Web & IT Support
The APF Web Coordinator provides comprehensive web and IT support for APF Trusted Servants and communities. This includes GSuite Administration and Wix Website Management. The coordinator assists APF participants with web-related inquiries, such as accessing documents, reports, and meeting agendas. They support Trusted Servants in accessing service emails and contribute to Fellowship Development by offering expertise and technical help to the FD, WFD, PR, and SP workgroups. Additionally, they support the Secretary in maintaining email distribution lists and conducting APF hybrid meetings.
The APF Web Coordinator is also responsible for ensuring the timely renewal of APF-owned domains and the associated hosting plans on Wix.
Meeting Lists updates by NAWS
In November 2023, NA World Services announced that it would no longer be feasible to maintain meeting data for over 140 countries. Going forward, NAWS will direct meeting search requests to local websites and helplines.
BMLT Meeting Lists & Websites for APF Communities
Due to the recent changes with NAWS and meeting information, the APF is actively working to migrate the meeting lists of those APF communities that are not yet on the BMLT system. Our aim is to display their NA Meetings either on their respective community websites or on the APF website.
APF Communities with Meeting Data from BMLT
Bangladesh: https://www.apfna.org/bangladesh
Qatar: https://naqatar.net/
Vietnam: https://www.apfna.org/vietnam
Hong Kong: https://www.nahongkong.org/na-meetings
Indonesia: https://naindonesia.org/na-meetings/
Malaysia: https://www.namalaysia.my/na-meetings/
What is BMLT?
View the presentation for an overview: APF 2024 BMLT Presentation
Check out the BMLT Website
Is it difficult to manage meetings on BMLT?
Not at all. Watch this video, you will see it’s fairly simple and self-explanatory
How can my community get our meeting information on BMLT?
Step 01: Please initiate the process by sending a mail to web@apfna.org. The APF Web Coordinator will communicate with you/your Regional Delegate, or Web Chair to get the updated meeting data ready for insertion into BMLT.
Step 02: Once the meeting data is ready, the APF Web Coordinator will communicate with the web committee and create a login for your specific community for the BMLT root server which is managed by the New Zealand RSC.
Step 03: Once the meeting data is inserted in the BMLT Root Server, the APF can help with displaying the meeting list on
A page for a community on the APF Website. E.G. https://www.apfna.org/vietnam
Help in setting up your community's website on WordPress or Wix. E.G. https://naindonesia.org/
Please note, that setting up your community's website may require additional costs for procuring a domain name and hosting space.
APF Workgroup Resource Pool
The Asia Pacific Forum is focused towards building a resource pool of volunteers and future Workgroup Coordinators & Leaders. The APF Workgroups for Fellowship Development (FD), Women's Fellowship Development (WFD), Public Relations (PR), Strategic Planning (SP), Newsletter, Merchandise & Web cater to service delivery requirements for all NA communities within the APF. Most of the workgroups conduct monthly online meetings on Zoom to plan, execute and report each service project.
The skills we look for include experience in conducting workshops, PR presentations, writing, graphic design, computer, web and other technical expertise, NA guidelines & policies, along with experience in structured service in NA.
If you wish to serve in any capacity in the APF, please fill out the form below.