The APF Newsletter
The APF Newsletter is an internal communication tool designed to help keep our members within the Asia Pacific Zonal Forum informed about their activities between our annual conferences, while also sharing information about Narcotics Anonymous as a whole.
In line with the Strategic Plan adopted in 2015, one of the key strategies of the Communications Workgroup was to "Revive the APF newsletter and establish a dedicated editorial team." This plan also called for collaboration with other NA members and Zonal Forums around the world through the APF website and social media platforms.
The APF Newsletter focuses on summarizing subcommittee reports and highlighting the activities of APF NA communities and committee members. It may also include personal recovery stories through topic-based articles, member service experiences within NA communities, the history of APF, as well as clean dates or recovery milestones, shared with permission.
Newsletter Publishing Process
All personal material submitted to the APF Newsletter must have a Submission & Transfer Agreement Form on file. Subcommittee reports do not require such an agreement unless they include personal photos or graphics.
When a new coordinator is elected, they typically ask for volunteers to join the working group. This does not mean that previous editors are no longer able to participate in the group.
Currently, the editors coordinate via email, and there is also a WhatsApp group for easier communication between editors. During the creation of each issue, all editors have access to the draft and can contribute edits. Google Drive is the primary platform used for designing the drafts.
Once the necessary content has been compiled, all editors review and edit it. After the final draft is completed, it is submitted to other APF Trusted Servants for approval.
Want to publish your story in the APF Newsletter?
For each newsletter issue, all APF community members are invited to submit their articles, recovery stories, and any information about upcoming APF events via email at: newsletter@apf.org.
Newsletter Workgroup Activities
The first APF Newsletter issue was published in November 1993, and since then, 61 issues have been released.
APF Workgroup Resource Pool
The Asia Pacific Forum is focused towards building a resource pool of volunteers and future Workgroup Coordinators & Leaders. The APF Workgroups for Fellowship Development (FD), Women's Fellowship Development (WFD), Public Relations (PR), Strategic Planning (SP), Newsletter, Merchandise & Web cater to service delivery requirements for all NA communities within the APF. Most of the workgroups conduct monthly online meetings on Zoom to plan, execute and report each service project.
The skills we look for include experience in conducting workshops, PR presentations, writing, graphic design, computer, web and other technical expertise, NA guidelines & policies, along with experience in structured service in NA.
If you wish to serve in any capacity in the APF, please fill out the form below.